Vellore Jaishankar No Comments

Visitor health insurance plans meet the needs of anyone traveling outside home country and have been specifically designed, if the primary destination of travel is America. It is very important for visitors such as visiting parents or relatives to the United States to be covered under a travel medical insurance plan. Senior visitors to USA, especially relatives or parents over age 50, who visit USA to meet their children and friends, need to be insured, as the medical costs in the U.S are very expensive.

Even though visiting parents maybe healthy and fit, one cannot predict when an injury or illness may strike. Anything from a fracture, common flu, or a freeway accident could require a doctor office visit, prescription medication, diagnostic tests and hospitalization, all of which lead to the bills piling up. A visitor medical insurance plan can give you peace of mind and safeguard against high medical expenses. Not only parents, but even students, scholars and immigrants can subscribe to these plans online on

Visitor health insurance plans are designed to cover all expenses due to illness or injury in America or in any foreign country. Visiting parents can choose to purchase these plans either before the travel or during their visit also. Many policies are offered by several providers that allow the insured to use doctors and hospitals in a US based PPO network, where direct billing may be possible. These policies typically cover eligible expenses such as doctor office fees, prescription drugs, emergency medical evacuation, repatriation of mortal remains, accidental death and dismemberment, inpatient hospital and outpatient visit fees.

There are a number of visitors medical insurance plans that are suited to the requirements of visiting parents and after going through the details, a choice can be made. Popular travel health insurance plans include Inbound USA, Immigrant Secure, Atlas America, Patriot America, Visit USA and many more. It is highly recommended that every senior who is visiting America or any foreign country for a short duration be medically covered in order to have a safe, worry-free, and pleasant trip.